The digital road safety map with the hazard score is the result of a risk assessment of the entire road network. The scientifically sound methodology combines police accident data with additional indicators that are important for the early detection of danger spots. These are, for example, reports from road users about near-accidents and accidents not reported to the police that are received via the crowdsourcing portal Another source of near-accidents is sensor data from cars, which makes it possible to evaluate safety-critical driving maneuvers such as sharp braking or speeding.
The most important information at a glance
Police accident data from recent years, rated according to accident frequency
Hazard reports from users via our reporting portals, rated according to activity level

Pulse data
Evaluation of safety-critical maneuvers from vehicles, such as Sharp braking
Hazard score
Algorithmic methodology for aggregating all data into a risk score for road sections
What is the hazard score?
All the above-mentioned geocoded data is stored in the Mobility Urban Safety Intelligent Cloud (MUSIC) in a structured manner, evaluated and displayed on an OpenStreetMap in a hazard score in levels 1 to 5 (where 1 stands for a low risk and 5 for a high risk). It provides those involved in road safety work, such as traffic planners, engineering offices and the police, with an overview of critical road sections in their region and of locations that indicate an increased risk of future accidents.
Experts can gain a detailed insight into the composition of the risk score via our Safer Mobility Analytics & Research Tool. The automated comparison between reactive and, depending on the data situation, proactive parts of the risk score can, for example can be used for targeted analyses for accident prediction. The hazard score is regularly updated for all urban and rural road networks and excerpts can be viewed publicly on the portal The hazard score can be integrated into other applications and data portals via digital interfaces or the Mobility Data Space (MDS). The map is currently available for Germany. The methodology of the road safety map can also be transferred to other countries such as Austria, Switzerland, France, etc.
How can I use the risk score?
The hazard score is an indispensable tool for numerous areas of application, including
- Traffic planner: Identify and prioritize dangerous road sections for improvement measures
- Road maintenance: Plan preventive maintenance measures based on the risk level of individual areas
- Insurance: Assess the risk for insurance policies more accurately
- Public safety: Take targeted measures to increase road safety.
Technical documentation
You can download the technical documentation in PDF format below.
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